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Agenda Dialogues

Davos 2024: Transforming Energy Demand

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By 2050, estimates indicate that the global economy will have doubled in size and will be serving a population of over 10 billion people. In this context, improving energy efficiency is critical to delivering an affordable, secure and climate-aligned future.

What can companies and governments do to enable economic growth with less energy?

This is the full audio from a session at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos on 16 January, 2024, linked to the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum.


Tania Bryer, Anchor, CNBC

Robert E. Moritz, Global Chair, PwC

Peter Herweck, Chief Executive Officer, Schneider Electric SE

Ilham Kadri, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Syensqo SA

Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency

Anish Shah, Group Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Mahindra Group


World Economic Forum's Centre for Energy and Materials:


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