Water and sewage systems are essential infrastructure directly linked to public health, environmental protection and quality of life. These systems must be installed, properly managed and...
Todas las mujeres tienen derecho a un parto seguro y saludable, y a un período de posparto con apoyo. Desde el embarazo hasta la recuperación posparto, el parto plantea riesgos que hacen ...
Having a safe and healthy childbirth, and a supported postpartum period, is every woman’s right. From pregnancy through postpartum recovery, childbirth poses risks that make medical care ...
As population growth in Japan continues to concentrate in Tokyo, regional cities are making efforts to build startup ecosystems to retain talent and boost their local economies.
A stable and secure energy supply is essential for a well-functioning society. In response to recent geopolitical uncertainty and the ongoing climate crisis, Japan is actively transitioni...
Garantizar a todos los niños el acceso equitativo a una educación de calidad es clave para construir una sociedad resiliente. En Japón, se están llevando a cabo esfuerzos para abordar el ...
Ensuring all children equal access to quality education is key to building a resilient society. In Japan, efforts are underway to address the growing number of children who encounter chal...
As global climate risks and political instability grow, building a resilient society has become increasingly vital. One key to achieving this is strengthening human connections within loc...