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Radio Davos

Advanced Energy Solutions: scaling up the tech that can help us get to net zero

What are the new technologies that can help us reach net zero? And how do we bring them to scale fast enough?

World Economic Forum Managing Director Jeremy Jurgens joins us to talk about the Advanced Energy Solutions community and we hear from three of its members, from widely different sectors and geographies, implementing the energy solutions of tomorrow.


Ann Mettler, Vice President, Europe, Breakthrough Energy

VK Samudrala, President, Amara Raja Energy & Mobility

Maarten Michielssens, Founder and CEO, EnergyVision

Special Meeting

This episode is related to the Forum’s Special Meeting on Global Cooperation, Growth and Energy for Development held in Riyadh on 28-29 April 2024.


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Transcripción del podcast

Alojado por:
Robin Pomeroy

Podcast Editor, World Economic Forum

Transición energéticaAcción climática

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