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The Future of Biodiversity Finance: Philanthropic Capital and Industry Transitions

This video is part of: Centro de Sistemas Financieros y Monetarios

The energy transition is going to require an estimated $2 trillion investment every year. With just $750 billion available from philanthropic capital, what role can it realistically play in this context?

Leslie Johnston, CEO of the Laudes Foundation explores the catalytic power of philanthropy and the role it can play in building partnerships toward achieving a net zero green economy.

Biodiversity as an Asset Class is a five-episode series that profiles leading global thinkers on how we must reconstruct our economic system in order to protect nature and the future of life on Earth.

Each episode explores topics that include removing barriers to action, the valuation of natural capital, a nature-positive business approach, and the role of philanthropic capital.

Naturaleza y Biodiversidad

Cómo construir ciudades positivas para la naturaleza – y un futuro sostenible y resiliente

Arjun Dhawan and Nollaig Forrest

13 de diciembre de 2024

Nature Positive: Cities’ Efforts to Advance the Transition – Durban

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