El panorama económico global se está estabilizando en medio de la continua incertidumbre económica.
European households are saving at their highest rates in years, according to new data, with saving rates in the eurozone surpassing pre-pandemic levels.
"La economía mundial va mejor de lo que esperábamos hace sólo seis meses, pero va mucho peor que hace seis años".
The global economic outlook is stabilizing, but vulnerabilities persist, according to the World Economic Forum's September 2024 Chief Economists Outlook.
How can we make progress on the big issues like sustainability and equity, while the world faces a host of intersecting challenges, from an ever-warming planet to geopolitical strife and ...
Las perspectivas a corto plazo de la economía mundial se están estabilizando, según los expertos, con varias tendencias que alimentan una sensación de optimismo cauteloso en medio del len...
The global economic outlook is stabilizing amid continuing economic uncertainty.
“The global economy is doing better than we expected just six months ago, but it's doing much worse than it was six years ago.”
During the week of 23-27 September 2024, on the occasion of the United Nations General Assembly, the World Economic Forum will host the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings. Drawing...