El Barómetro de la Cooperación Global 2025 – Segunda Edición
La cooperación global se encuentra en una encrucijada. Si bien la colaboración general se ha estancado, impulsada por el aumento de las tensiones geopolíticas y la inestabilidad, el impulso positivo en áreas de clima y naturaleza, innovación y tecnología, y salud y bienestar ofrecen esperanza.
Featured publications:
Las Perspectivas de los economistas jefes de enero de 2025 exploran las tendencias clave en la economía global, incluidas las perspectivas más recientes de crecimiento, inflación y política monetaria y fiscal. Analiza el impacto de la política estadounidense en la economía global, investiga las tendencias de fragmentación y analiza las turbulentas perspectivas del comercio global. Esta serie de informes se basa en las perspectivas individuales y colectivas de un grupo de destacados economistas jefe a través de consultas con la Comunidad de Economistas Jefes del Foro Económico Mundial y una Encuesta periódica de economistas jefes.
The 20th edition of the Global Risks Report 2025 reveals an increasingly fractured global landscape, where escalating geopolitical, environmental, societal and technological challenges threaten stability and progress. This edition presents the findings of the Global Risks Perception Survey 2024-2025 (GRPS), which captures insights from over 900 experts worldwide. The report analyses global risks through three timeframes to support decision- makers in balancing current crises and longer-term priorities.
To align the energy sector with net-zero emissions by 2050, annual investment must increase from $2 trillion today to ~$4.5 trillion. This report argues for a targeted, standardized approach to reducing the cost of financing and mitigating the risks of energy transition projects. Collaboration between investors, industry executives, policy-makers and financial institutions is essential.
Electric vehicle battery supply chains are marked by geographic concentration in mining and manufacturing, combined with a globalized distribution of materials. This model increases emissions, weakens resilience, and risks harming developing economies through unregulated cross-border transfers of used batteries. Meanwhile, first-life battery design focuses heavily on performance metrics like cost, range and safety, often neglecting end-of-life considerations such as repairability, recyclability and reuse potential. The lack of effective tracking systems for battery materials hinders responsible sourcing and informed decision-making across the life cycle.
El Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2025 del Foro Económico Mundial, elaborado en colaboración con Accenture, examina las tendencias de ciberseguridad que afectarán a las economías y sociedades en el próximo año. El informe explora los principales hallazgos y pone de relieve la complejidad del panorama de la ciberseguridad, que se ve intensificado por las tensiones geopolíticas, las tecnologías emergentes, las interdependencias de las cadenas de suministro y la sofisticación de los delitos cibernéticos.
El Informe sobre el futuro del empleo 2025 reúne la perspectiva de más de 1000 empleadores líderes a nivel mundial, que en conjunto representan a más de 14 millones de trabajadores en 22 grupos industriales y 55 economías de todo el mundo, para examinar cómo las macrotendencias impactan los empleos y las habilidades, y las estrategias de transformación de la fuerza laboral. Los empleadores planean emprender en respuesta, a lo largo del período de 2025 a 2030.
Featured series
The annual Global Risks Report explores some of the most severe risks we may face in the coming years. Underpinned by the Forum’s Global Risks Perception Survey, the report brings together leading insights from over 1,200 experts across the world.
The Global Cybersecurity Outlook reports examine the cybersecurity trends that will impact our economies and societies in the year to come.
The annual Top 10 Emerging Technologies report highlights the technologies set to positively impact society within the next three to five years. The report provides a qualitative assessment of each technology's potential impact on people and the planet.
The annual Future of Jobs Report explores how jobs and skills will evolve. The report is based on unique survey data that details the expectations of a cross-section of the world’s largest employers related to how socio-economic and technology trends will shape the workplace of the future.
The annual Global Gender Gap Index benchmarks the state and evolution of gender parity across four key dimensions: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment.
The Chief Economists Outlook summarizes the emerging contours of the current economic environment. The quarterly report incorporates the latest policy research and the results of a Forum survey with leading chief economists from both the public and private sectors.
The Annual Report outlines the concrete progress the World Economic Forum made over the year in a variety of initiatives and demonstrates how the organization continues to be a bridge-builder in the increasingly complex world.
The World Economic Forum's Travel & Tourism Development Index provides a strategic benchmarking tool for business, governments, international organizations and others to develop the Travel & Tourism sector.
The annual Energy Transition Index benchmarks over 100 countries on their current energy system performance as well as provides a forward-looking measure of energy security and transition readiness.
The reports provide pathways for business to be part of the transition to a nature-positive economy.
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