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Agenda Dialogues

Davos 2024: Climate and Nature: A Systemic Response Needed

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The year 2023 is the hottest on record - 1.48°C above the pre-industrial averages - propelling economies and societies into unprecedented and risky territory. Leaders are increasingly called upon to transform the current growth and development models to better steward the global commons and serve humanity.

How can we enable a net-zero, nature-positive future that regenerates Earth’s finite resources and safeguards its peoples?


Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund

Katharine Hayhoe, Climate Scientist, Distinguished Professor and Endowed Chair in Public Policy, Texas Tech University

Jesper Brodin, Chief Executive Officer, Ingka Group (IKEA)

Gim Huay Neo, Managing Director, World Economic Forum Geneva

Andre Hoffmann, Chairman, Massellaz SA

Ajay S. Banga, President, World Bank Group

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Transcripción del podcast

Naturaleza y BiodiversidadAcción climáticaForo InstitucionalComercio e Inversión

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