6 estrategias de resiliencia para preparar las empresas para un futuro disruptivo
En un mundo en rápida evolución, la pregunta ya no es si la disrupción afectará a los negocios, sino cuándo.
Julia Devos is the Head of the global New Champions community at the World Economic Forum - www.newchampions.org. This community gathers selected purpose driven mid size companies from all around the world and industries.
Julia is an international worker as she spent 20 years working abroad in Europe and Asia including 15 years in China, Beijing. She holds a master's degree in marketing and communication and has worked managing international relations for major companies and events such as the Olympic Games. She is fluent in English and French, with notions in Chinese, Spanish, and Italian, and is a citizen of France.
En un mundo en rápida evolución, la pregunta ya no es si la disrupción afectará a los negocios, sino cuándo.
Un cruce complejo de desafíos —el cambio climático, las tensiones geopolíticas y las crecientes desigualdades— ha llevado al mundo a un momento crucial durante el último año. Sin embargo,...
A complex intersection of challenges – climate change, geopolitical tensions and widening inequities – have pushed the world towards a defining moment over the past year. Yet, amidst thes...
In today’s fast-evolving world, the question is no longer if disruption will impact your business, but when.
AI has been a game-changer in levelling the playing field between large companies and small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). However, while the pace of innovation has been faster than ...
While large corporations appear to dominate the narrative around corporate sustainability initiatives, innovation in this area is no longer exclusive to industry giants. Small and mid-siz...
In today's evolving business world, using artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a trend. It's a fundamental transformation shaping the future of industries everywhere. It is rapidly ch...
2023 was the year of 'polycrisis,' where global risks were more interdependent and reciprocally damaging than ever. We saw a return of 'older' risks – inflation, cost-of-living crises, tr...
Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-sized companies are considered the 'backbone' of the global economy, creating close to 70% of jobs and GDP worldwide.
Economic challenges are looming, and the geopolitical crisis is making it harder for companies to survive, let alone thrive. Yet, consumers are growing increasingly aware of leaders who c...
Climate change, geopolitical crises and growing inequity are pushing the world toward an inflection point — but for every challenge we face, so too do we have innovators and thinkers of a...
The contribution that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make in driving positive social, environmental and economic change is often ignored. Yet, these businesses play significant...
中小企業は、世界の経済と社会の基盤にとって不可欠な存在です。そのため、これらの企業が外的ショックに対するレジリエンス(強靭性)を高めると同時に、 長期的な価値を創出して社会全体に利益をもたらす存在になるための方法を理解することが重要です。