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Radio Davos

The energy transition moonshot: innovations that will transform our world

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It often looks like we are doing too little too late to wean ourselves off fossil fuels, but companies around the world are creating new ways of generating and delivering energy.

We hear from four CEOs about their work on aviation fuel, electric vehicles, green hydrogen and new nuclear. And World Economic Forum John Defterios, who covered energy for three decades as a journalist at CNN, shares his thoughts.


Michael Farkas, Founder, Executive Chairman & CEO at Blink Charging

Theye Veen, Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer at SkyNRG

Jason Few, President & CEO at Fuel Cell Energy

Stefano Buono, founder and CEO, newcleo

The interviews were recorded at the inaugural meeting of Advanced Energy Solutions, the World Economic Forum community that aims to speed up deployment of advanced energy solutions from years to months while eradicating the green premium. It engages leaders in frontier, fast-growing segments of the energy system such as clean fuels, hydrogen, storage, new nuclear, carbon and demand management.

Advanced Energy Solutions provides a platform to engage leading innovators with energy champions, large energy consumers and investors and to help shape the agenda and elevate some of the key challenges faced by companies in this area to the global leadership agenda,

Find out more about the Forum’s work on energy here:

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