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Let's Fix It

Intrapreneurship: changing the world from within organizations

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In this episode of Let's Fix It, host Pavitra Raja speaks to two social intrapreneurs who are making a difference within large organizations. First, she interviews Jonathan Wong, the chief of technology innovation at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). Wong talks about his experience as a public social intrapreneur and how he leverages the U.N.'s resources to create positive social and environmental change. Then, Pavitra interviews Sam McCracken, the visionary leader behind Nike N7, a program that brings sport to indigenous youth across North America. McCracken shares his 25-year career journey at Nike and his experience as a corporate social intrapreneur.

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Transcripción del podcast

Alojado por:
Pavitra Raja

Community Lead, CEO Action Group On Nature Pillar, World Economic Forum


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