On this episode of Let's Fix It, hear how two social innovators are redefining what it means to teach and to learn. Kyle Zimmer is a lawyer, social entrepreneur and leader who became passionate about the power of books when volunteering in a soup kitchen. Zimmer is the founder of First Book, an organization dedicated to providing affordable books and other resources to people in need. Dr Rana Dajani has studied the impact of reading aloud to children. Her organization We Love Reading fosters the love of reading for pleasure among children in the MENA region and around the world.
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In candid conversations with host Pavitra Raja, changemakers describe their experiences tackling challenges like the digital divide, climate change and racial inequity.
Read more: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/12/lets-fix-it-podcast-schwab-foundation-social-entrepreneurs
Podcast series page: https://www.weforum.org/podcasts/lets-fix-it
Find all our podcasts at wef.ch/podcasts.
Pavitra Raja
Community Lead, CEO Action Group On Nature Pillar, World Economic Forum
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Teaching a love of learning is transforming education systems
• 38
On this episode of Let's Fix It, hear how two social innovators are redefining what it means to teach and to learn. Kyle Zimmer is a lawyer, social entrepreneur and leader who became passionate about the power of books when volunteering in a soup kitchen. Zimmer is the founder of First Book, an organization dedicated to providing affordable books and other resources to people in need. Dr Rana Dajani has studied the impact of reading aloud to children. Her organization We Love Reading fosters the love of reading for pleasure among children in the MENA region and around the world.
Intrapreneurship: changing the world from within organizations
In this episode of Let's Fix It, host Pavitra Raja speaks to two social intrapreneurs who are making a difference within large organizations: the United Nations and Nike.
Making our societies more equal
• 37 minutes
On this episode of Let’s Fix It, two social innovators Cheryl Dorsey, President of Echoing Green and Phillip Atiba Goff, Co-Founder of Centre for Policing Equity, Co-Founder of Justice Rx, and Carl I. Hovland Professor of African American Studies and Professor of Psychology at Yale University are dismantling inequitable systems in policing to philanthropy.
Harnessing the collective power of social innovators
• 19:43
On this special episode of Let’s Fix It, we hear from Hilde Schwab, Co-Founder and Chairperson of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. Mrs. Schwab chronicles her journey from being the first employee of the World Economic Forum to co-founding the world’s leading platform on social innovation, the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.
Combating climate change by putting our planet first
• 33:40
Social innovators are finding new ways to combat greenhouse gas emissions and climate change with speed and scale, at the lowest possible costs. In this episode of Let's Fix It, hear from two social innovators who are putting our planet first and fighting global warming.