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Agenda Dialogues

SDIM23: Accelerating Progress on Gender Parity

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Gender parity has recovered to pre-pandemic levels globally, but the pace of change is stagnating. It will take an estimated 131 years to reach full parity at the current trajectory.

How can we boost women’s economic participation and political empowerment and achieve gender parity at all levels of society?

This is the full audio from a panel discussion at the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings 2023.


Keir Simmons, Chief International Correspondent, NBC News

Thierry Déau, Chief Executive Officer, Meridiam

Reshma Saujani, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Moms First

Randall Tucker, Chief Inclusion Officer, Mastercard International Incorporated

Clare Akamanzi, Chief Executive Officer, Rwanda Development Board (RDB)

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Foro InstitucionalEquidad, Diversidad e Inclusión

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