Is this the fundamental flaw in nearly all global poverty projects?
Since 1960, the world has spent roughly $5.7 trillion on foreign aid. Of that enormous sum, how much has been effective in fighting poverty?
Since 1960, the world has spent roughly $5.7 trillion on foreign aid. Of that enormous sum, how much has been effective in fighting poverty?
El camino hacia la energía neta cero no es lineal. Se caracteriza por disrupciones y se ve influido por el panorama siempre movedizo del cambio climático, la dinámica geopolítica y los re...
Navigating the journey towards net zero is not a linear path. It is characterized by disruptions and influenced by the ever-shifting landscape of climate change, geopolitical dynamics and...
The global bioeconomy is estimated to be worth about $4 trillion, and more than 50 nations now have published bioeconomy strategies or have policies steering towards a sustainable bioecon...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is unlikely to destroy humanity, but it is already creating societal upheavals across industry, government, education and the creative arts. 'Deepfakes' are a...
This is the year to become an 'imperfect environmentalist’. Climate anxiety is growing and it is a very real issue that many people are facing.
「耐え難い痛み、苦しみ、心の傷が、ケープタウンの道路交通安全担当者を夜も眠れないほどに悩ます理由です。」これは、先頃ケープタウンで開催された国連ハビタットの「世界都市交通安全アライアンス(Global Alliance for Cities on Road Safety, ACRoS)」の都市間交流会で、ソロムジ・ムドランガソ氏が語った言葉です。
Asegurar el futuro de los sistemas alimentarios e hídricos del mundo es fundamental para el buen funcionamiento de la sociedad.
Securing the future of the world's food and water systems is critical for a well-functioning society.
"El dolor, sufrimiento y angustia insuperables" es lo que no deja dormir al jefe de Seguridad Vial de Ciudad del Cabo, Solomzi Mdlangaso. Estas fueron sus palabras en el reciente intercam...
“The unsurmountable pain, suffering and heartache” is what keeps Cape Town’s Head of Road Safety up at night. Those were the words of Solomzi Mdlangaso at the recent Global Alliance of Ci...
Global per capita income increased sevenfold in the last century, and the share of people living in extreme poverty fell sharply to less than 10%. In parallel, every indicator of human we...
Las sinergias entre las tecnologías de inteligencia artificial (IA) y la industria manufacturera son bien conocidas. La industria manufacturera, una de las primeras en adoptar la tecnolog...
The synergies between artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and manufacturing are well known. Among the earliest adopters of computer-based tech in the 1970s, the manufacturing indust...