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Royal DSM: Addressing the connections between food, nature and health

This video is part of: Centro para la Naturaleza y el Clima

How can the food industry address human health while serving the environment?

Geraldine Matchett, Co-CEO of Royal DSM, values how the World Economic Forum connects them with stakeholders who can tackle the cross-cutting challenges around food.

For Matchett, the Forum offers a unique platform to drive action-oriented initiatives to ensure food is healthy, affordable and available. It also considers impacts on the planet, allowing conversations to turn into action, through CEO working groups such as the Food Action Alliance and reports like the Food, Nature and Health Transitions study featuring country-led transitions to better food systems.

This content is part of our "Spotlight on Business" video series, featuring Partner insights on the impact of their collaboration with the World Economic Forum.

Read our latest Insight Reports on: Food, Nature and Health Transitions − Repeatable Country Models
Read our latest Insight Reports on: Food, Nature and Health Transitions − Repeatable Country Models
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