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Satya Nadella: We must address the unintended consequences of new tech now

This video is part of: Centro para la Cuarta Revolución Industrial

AI is already transforming how we live, work, create, and interact, but as AI grows more sophisticated, so does its potential for misuse. Misinformation and disinformation are the largest risks facing the world this year.

Just as close to 3 billion people are set to head to the polls across several economies in 2024-2025. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says both politicians and the tech industry agree that guardrails must be developed.

Watch the video to hear more from Satya Nadella on responsible use and development of AI and tackling misinformation.

¿Has leído?
  • 6 ways AI is transforming global health
Foro InstitucionalTecnologías emergentes

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Gayle Markovitz

13 de diciembre de 2024

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