Education: BA in Economics, Smith College; MPhil in International Economics, Graduate Institute Geneva; MPA, Harvard University. Current role: Managing Director at the World Economic Forum, heading the Centre for the New Economy and Society and the Global Communications Group. Co-Author: Future of Growth, Future of Jobs, Global Risks and Gender Gap. Author: Fifty Million Rising (2018). Awards: BBC 100 Women (2013 and 2014); Financial Times/McKinsey Bracken Bower Prize (2014); longlisted for FT/Mckinsey Business Book of the Year (2018). Interests: economics, future of work, education and skills, gender, income inequality and technology.
Como demostraron las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses de 2024, la opinión pública sobre las perspectivas económicas influye significativamente en el comportamiento electoral. Por...
As the 2024 US presidential election showed, public sentiment about economic prospects significantly influences voting behaviour. At the moment, those prospects appear to be grim across t...
Este artículo fue publicado por primera vez por Caixin Global y Astro Awani.
It was first published by Caixin Global and Astro Awani.
Since the 2007 financial crisis, global growth has lost momentum. On average, GDP growth has declined from more than 2% in advanced economies and nearly 6% in emerging and developing econ...
This article is published in Time.
Este artículo se publicó originalmente el 8 de marzo de 2023 y se ha actualizado para reflejar los datos más recientes del Informe Global sobre la Brecha de Género 2023.
This article was originally published on 8 March 2023 and updated to reflect the latest data from the Global Gender Gap Report 2023.
Ask any business leader what big challenges they face and it's likely that skills and labor shortages will be high on their list. They are particularly concerned about how to develop the ...
ここ数年、世界中の労働者にとってどれほど激動だったかを過大評価することはできません。世界的なパンデミックにより、 エッセンシャルワーカー を除くほとんどの人がロックダウンを経験し、その後は完全に回復することのない産業で、慎重かつ部分的な職場復帰や雇用喪失が発生しました。そしてその直後、戦争による混乱とエネルギーや食料の高騰が起こり、実質賃金は低下しました。