There a lack of female home ownership in Latin America – here’s how can we change this
For people in the developed world, a mortgage is a step toward owning a home. In developing countries, that dream is often elusive—especially for women.
Georgina Baker es Vicepresidente de IFC para Latinoamérica, el Caribe, Europa C y Asia Central.
For people in the developed world, a mortgage is a step toward owning a home. In developing countries, that dream is often elusive—especially for women.
A new generation of entrepreneurs is transforming “business as usual” in Latin America. Their tech start-ups have set their sights on industries that are ripe for disruption such as agric...
Una nueva generación de emprendedores está detonando un cambio mayúsculo en América Latina. Las empresas tecnológicas emergentes creadas por estos emprendedores se declaran listas para la...