The rise of nationalism after the fall of the Berlin Wall
Following the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, open societies were triumphant and international cooperation became the dominant creed. Thirty years later, however, nationalism ha...
Founder and chair of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Foundations. Born in Budapest in 1930, he survived the Nazi occupation during World War II and fled communist-dominated Hungary in 1947 for England, where he graduated from the London School of Economics. He then settled in the United States, where he accumulated a large fortune through the international investment fund he founded and managed.
Soros has been active as a philanthropist since 1979, when he began providing funds to help black students attend Cape Town University in apartheid South Africa. He has since given away more than $32 billion. The Open Society Foundations today support individuals and organizations in more than 120 countries, working to build vibrant and inclusive democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens.
Soros writes regularly on politics, society, and economics, and has authored over a dozen books, including In Defense of Open Society (2019).
Following the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, open societies were triumphant and international cooperation became the dominant creed. Thirty years later, however, nationalism ha...
Economic reality is beginning to catch up with the false hopes of many Britons. One year ago, when a slim majority voted for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union, they ...
La realidad económica ya está pisándoles los talones a las falsas esperanzas de muchos británicos. Hace un año, una escasa mayoría votó a favor de que el Reino Unido abandonara la Unión E...
La crisis de los refugiados en Europa ya empujaba a la Unión Europea hacia su desintegración desde antes del 23 de junio, cuando encima impulsó el voto británico por el Brexit. La crisis,...
Until the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, the refugee crisis was the greatest problem Europe faced. Indeed, that crisis played a critical role in bringing ...
Britain, I believe, had the best of all possible deals with the European Union, being a member of the common market without belonging to the euro and having secured a number of other opt-...
En mi opinión, Gran Bretaña tenía con la Unión Europea el mejor de los arreglos posibles; era miembro del mercado común sin pertenecer al euro y había conseguido otras exenciones a las re...
The asylum policy that emerged from the European Union’s negotiations last month with Turkey became effective on April 4, when 202 asylum-seekers were deported from Greece. The policy has...
Important progress was made at the donors’ conference for Syrian refugees convened in London on February 4. But much more remains to be done. The international community is still vastly u...