We must reform trade to build a sustainable, inclusive global recovery
Trade policy needs an urgent update.
Børge Brende is President and CEO of the World Economic Forum. He has served as Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Trade and Industry, and Minister of Climate and the Environment, and he was Deputy Chairman of the Norwegian Conservative Party as well as MP. He was full-time city councillor in his hometown of Trondheim. He was Chairman of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development and Secretary-General of the Norwegian Red Cross. He was Board Member of Statoil and the Norwegian School of Economics. He was Chair of Mesta, Norway’s largest contracting group in road and highway maintenance. He is currently a Director of the Philanthropy Asia Alliance. Member of the Advisory Council, Harvard International Negotiation Program, the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED), the Strategic Committee of Sciences Po, and is on the Board of the Bilderberg Meeting. He is a Member of UN Food Systems Advisory Board.
Trade policy needs an urgent update.
The need to transform the relationship between cities and nature has become ever more urgent. Over half of the world’s population lives in cities, with an estimated 1.5 million additional...
*Les vaccins contre leCOVID-19 offrent de l'espoir, mais des fractures mondiales subsistent.
El despliegue de las vacunascontra el COVID-19 trae consigo la esperanza de que el ataque del virus cese pronto, pero el mundo inestable en el que surgió el virus permanece. De hecho, aun...
The deployment of COVID-19 vaccines brings hope that the onslaught of the virus will soon cease, but the unsettled world within which the virus emerged remains. Indeed, while many of the ...
As we identify the paths necessary to come out of this compounded COVID-19 crisis and prepare the conditions for a much-needed Great Reset, we must also keep the focus on long-standing ch...
The COVID-19 pandemic threatens already fragile social and economic systems and could potentially impact the lives of up to 2 billion people. Based on estimates by the World Bank, it woul...
The great global misalignment is that at the very moment cooperation is more vital than ever to address urgent challenges, it is in decline.
A medida que la economía mundial entra en una crisis sin precedentes provocada por la pandemia COVID-19 y los responsables políticos en Washington y otras capitales del mundo preparan pla...
Alors que l'économie mondiale entre dans une crise sans précédent causée par la pandémie de COVID-19 et que les décideurs politiques à Washington et dans d'autres capitales mondiales prép...
As the world economy enters an unprecedented crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and policymakers in Washington and other global capitals prepare record fiscal stimulus plans, stakeho...
Puede que no hayamos podido predecir los detalles exactos de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero sabíamos desde hace años que los riesgos de pandemia mundial iban en aumento, con la posibilidad...
Nous n'avons peut-être pas été en mesure de prévoir les détails exacts de la pandémie COVID-19, mais nous savons depuis des années que les risques de pandémie mondiale augmentent, avec la...
We may not have been able to predict the exact details of the COVID-19 pandemic, but we’ve known for years that the risks of global pandemics has been increasing, with the potential for m...