Akanksha Khatri

Head, Nature and Biodiversity, World Economic Forum

Akanksha Khatri is Head of Nature Action Agenda at the World Economic Forum. In this role she has led the New Nature Economy Reports Series, advocating how to integrate the issue of nature and biodiversity in economic decision making. Prior to this, she worked as Lead on Government Engagement for India and South Asia followed by an extended remit as Chief of Staff and Head of Strategy and Performance for the Forum’s Regional and Government Engagement globally. She has also had experience working at HT Media Ltd. which is the second-largest media company in India. She holds a BA (Hons.) from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India and M.A. in International Affairs from Columbia University, USA. She was a Global Leadership Fellow with the World Economic Forum (2013-16).

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Foro Institucional


去年12月,全球朝着重新调整人与自然的关系迈出了重要一步。在生物多样性空前丧失和气候紧急状况日益恶化的情况下,196个国家的政府去年达成了“昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架”(GBF)。该框架规定了要到2030年遏止和扭转自然损失,需要在多大范围和规模上开展行动,而这一目标通常被称为“自然受益”(nature positive)。

18 sep 2023

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