Reporte completo
Publicado: 30 marzo 2021

Global Gender Gap Report 2021

User’s Guide How to Read the Economy Profiles

This Economy Profiles section presents a two-page profile for each of the 156 economies covered by this report.

The Global Gender Gap Report 2021 is complemented by a digital portal, which provides detailed Economy Profiles of all economies featured in the index, as well as a Data Explorer tool enabling the reader to explore detailed index results, rankings and comparisons by economy, region, indicator and subindex. The Global Gender Gap Data Explorer can be found at, and an Excel spreadsheet containing this year’s index results may also be downloaded from the report website.

Economy Selection

To monitor the condition of women across the widest possible range of economies, the index performance for an economy is only computed when recent data is available for at least 12 of the 14 indicators composing the index. Obsolescence varies by indicator; yet while most data points cover the past two years, in a few cases, 10-year-old data points are used for the calculation.

Economy Profiles

To facilitate the reader, we have divided each Economy Profile into three sections:

The first section (1) presents each economy’s overall Global Gender Gap Index 2021 rank out of the 156 reviewed economies and its progress, represented on a 0-to-1 scale, towards closing the gender gap and achieving full gender parity (benchmark score of 1).50 The radar chart on the top left-hand side of each Economy Profile gives an overview of the economy’s scores for each of the four subindexes relative to the ideal outcome of full gender parity (score of 1) and the global average score of all economies in the index weighted by population across all 156 economies.

The second section (2) of each Economy Profile provides an overview of each economy’s ranks and scores on the four subindexes of the Global Gender Gap Index, as well as on the individual indicators that compose each subindex. For each of the indicators, column one displays the economy’s rank; column two displays the economy’s score; column three displays the population-weighted sample average (out of 156 economies); column four displays the female value; column five displays the male value; and, finally, column six displays the female-to-male ratio. Although full-precision values have been used for calculating ratios and scores, rounded values to one decimal are displayed to facilitate reading. The “n/a” symbol indicates where data is not available, and the symbol “-“ indicates where the statistic cannot be computed. Economy scores are highlighted by a colour scale—ranging in 20% intervals from light blue (0.0–0.2; worst) to dark blue (0.8–1.0; best)—to help the reader visually interpret the index results. To calculate the index, all ratios were truncated at the parity benchmark of 1 and thus the highest score possible is 1—except for the sex ratio at birth (0.944) and the healthy life expectancy (1.06) indicators.

The bar charts visually display the magnitude of female-to-male ratio imbalances for each of the 14 indicators, allowing the reader to see clearly when the female-to-male ratio is above or below the gender parity benchmark. Values above 1 (the parity benchmark) favour women and values below 1 favour men. Please note that the parity benchmark is 1 for all indicators except sex ratio at birth (0.944) and healthy life expectancy (1.06). Therefore, the parity benchmark of 1 in the bar charts for these two indicators is not strictly accurate. In the few cases where the ratio exceeds the scale of the bar chart (which ends at 2), the reader should refer to the number under the “female-to-male ratio” column for the actual value.

The third section (3) of a Economy Profile includes contextual indicators, which are not incorporated into the calculation of the index but provide relevant information about gender parity on many different aspects. These indicators are displayed separately because data is available for only few economies or is not updated regularly. They are in turn organized into seven thematic groups: a) General indicators; b) Work participation and leadership; c) Access to finance; d) Civil and political freedom; e) Family and care; f) Education and skills; g) Health. The full definitions of all indicators are provided in Appendix B.

Data Explorer Online Features

A number of additional features may be accessed in the online Data Explorer (available at The reader has the possibility to switch between Economy Profiles and interactive index rankings in a tile, bar chart or world map format by clicking on the menu option at the top-left corner of the page (4). There is also the possibility to directly compare two economies side-by-side by clicking on the menu option in the top-right corner of the page (5). Finally, the reader may directly access a shortcut to the rankings for a specific indicator by clicking on the blue Go to Explorer button in the dialogue field in the Economy Score Card section (6).

Interactive Ranking Tables

By clicking on the menu button at the top-right corner of the Data Explorer (7), the interactive rankings may be switched between a tile view, which visualizes economies’ overall performance on each subindex for context; a bar-chart view, which depicts a economy’s performance for the selected indicator relative to other economies; and a world-map view, which allows the reader to explore geographical trends and patterns. In the map view, economies are highlighted by an extended colour scale to enhance contrast and readability—ranging in 20% intervals from dark grey

(0.0–0.2, worst) to dark blue (0.8–1.0, best).

In addition, the reader has the possibility to: switch between selected indicators, narrow selection to a specific region or go directly to the results for a specific economy of interest through the menu strip at the top of the Data Explorer (8).

Economy Comparison

The Economy Comparison Tool (9) can be accessed through the menu option at the top-right corner of the Economy Profile view. It enables a side-by-side view of indicators for the selected comparison economy relative to the original economy selected in the Economy Profile view of the Data Explorer. The reader may return to the original view by clicking on the Back-to-Economy menu option at the top-left corner of the page or may continue exploring the data by clicking through to the other views of the Data Explorer.

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