
Moving from theory to practice isn't always easy. The guidelines highlight often what to do, but provide limited guidance on how to exactly do this.

The Workbook includes a selection of tools and templates that sit alongside the guidelines and aim to support government teams with the implementation. The user manual as a checklist to work through the application of the guidelines, and provide support during the project planning stage with the risk assessment.

This workbook, on unlocking the potential of AI in the public sector, compiles the findings of key workshops and trials hosted in the UK, UAE, and Bahrain and will allow for the seamless transition from theory to practice in deploying AI responsibly and efficiently within government departments.

—Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution United Arab Emirates

When writing the request for proposal and evaluating the responses by AI providers the best practice on proposal writing and evaluation is supposed to provide further insights and inspiration.

Recent case studies from business and government provide good insights on the challenges and opportunities when piloting the guidelines.

AI, evaluation, guidelines, best practice, procurement
Imagen: World Economic Forum

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