Comunidades Global Future Councils Global Future Council on the Future of Trade and Investment
Consejos de Futuro Global
Comunidades Consejos de Futuro Global Plataformas
Global Future Council on the Future of Trade and Investment

Global Future Council on the Future of Trade and Investment

Trade and cross-border investment are crucial drivers of economic growth and development, without which the chances of restoring livelihoods, securing economic recovery and enabling a green and just transition are bleak. Yet, support for international economic cooperation falters, and existing rules and institutions are strained. The Global Future Council on Trade and Investment will help leaders make sense of a complex global economic landscape and signal developments on the horizon, while addressing legitimate concerns about globalization and digitalization. It will reimagine trade governance and redefine the role of trade and investment in creating sustainable, resilient and equitable companies, economies and societies. Key outputs are expected on the role of trade in delivering social justice and enabling a circular economy, as well as on digital trade regulation and future trade governance.


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