Bridging the Gap: How to Finance the Net-Zero Transition
The financing of a lower-carbon economy is one of the defining challenges of our era. This paper offers a timely exploration of the transition finance gap, a critical fault line in global...
The financing of a lower-carbon economy is one of the defining challenges of our era. This paper offers a timely exploration of the transition finance gap, a critical fault line in global...
The financial system is playing a critical role in facilitating the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. As the recovery is largely digital-led, members of the Forum’s Global Future Counc...
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a rapid transformation of the global financial system: Businesses, small and large, needed almost-instant liquidity, individuals embraced digital and c...
El mercado de crédito corporativo está experimentando su mayor transformación desde que las grandes empresas empezaron a recurrir en masa al mercado de bonos, en lugar de a los bancos, pa...
The corporate credit market is undergoing its biggest transformation since large companies started turning in big numbers to the bond market instead of banks for financing in the 1980s. B...
The benefits of globalization, including in the area of finance, have been re-evaluated since the global financial crisis of 2007-12. The previous consensus among economists on the desira...