How a trade war would impact global growth
To estimate the effects of trade tensions on global growth, we created an economic simulation. First, we calculated the direct impact of tariff hikes on GDP. Our simulation assumes that t...
Dr. Mario Mesquita is the chief economist at Itaú Unibanco, the largest private sector bank in Brazil. He holds a PhD in economics from Oxford University. Previously, he was a partner at Banco Brasil Plural and director of Economic Policy at the Central Bank of Brazil.
To estimate the effects of trade tensions on global growth, we created an economic simulation. First, we calculated the direct impact of tariff hikes on GDP. Our simulation assumes that t...
Los sistemas políticos latinoamericanos han evolucionado de manera importante este siglo. La mayoría de los países de la región son democracias establecidas, con elecciones regulares y ju...
Latin American political systems have evolved in a major way this century. Most countries in the region are established democracies, with regular and fair votes, a free and investigative ...
Latin American economies have been slowing down in the wake of softer commodity prices, especially in Brazil and Argentina, as governments try to repair some past policy mistakes. Against...
Las economías latinoamericanas se han desacelerado a causa de la bajada de precios de los productos básicos, particularmente en Brasil y Argentina, donde los gobiernos intentan reparar er...