Gill Einhorn

Head, Innovation and Transformation, Centre for Nature and Climate, World Economic Forum

Gill is responsible for leading the curation of priority agendas, narratives and communities to effectively tackle the climate crisis and nature’s collapse within the World Economic Forum’s Centre for Nature and Climate. Gill has designed and led initiatives of the World Economic Forum like, focused on assisting corporates to improve the quality of their forest conservation and restoration efforts world-wide. Between 2014 and 2020, Gill led the environment and sustainability agenda for the World Economic Forum’s global meetings, bringing together diverse topics and stakeholders from across industries and geographies to identify systems-level interventions and influence leaders. A certified facilitator and intrapreneur, Gill works to restore balance between humanity and the natural world. 2017 UN Environment Gender and Environment Advocate Award; World Economic Forum Global Leadership Fellow; Masters of Science in Economics for Development, University of Oxford, UK; Honours in Economics, University of Cape Town.

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