Pourquoi certaines bonnes idées sont concluantes - et d'autres non
Au cours des deux dernières années et demie, j'ai probablement examiné plus d'exemples d'innovation gouvernementale que quiconque au monde.
Alex is editor of Apolitical. He has worked in print, radio and television, most recently for Newsweek and The Mail on Sunday. He has contributed to The Spectator, the Times Literary Supplement and Monocle, among others. He also translates fiction, poetry and academia mainly from German, and his most recent translation is of Arthur Schnitzler’s Late Fame.
Au cours des deux dernières années et demie, j'ai probablement examiné plus d'exemples d'innovation gouvernementale que quiconque au monde.
Over the past two-and-a-half years, I’ve probably looked at more examples of government innovation than anyone else in the world.
You probably don’t realise how much your life is affected by the working habits of civil servants.
What kind of public servant are you? How do people in government make decisions?
Identifying fake fish, cleaning up polluted canals, improving science education – these are some of the jobs that governments are getting done by mobilising the profit motive.
Virtualmente todos los récords de energía limpia en el mundo se han roto el último año. La mayor inversión en energía limpia (329 mil millones de dólares en 2015), la mayor capacidad reno...
Virtually every clean energy record in the world has been broken in the past year. The most investment in clean energy ($329 billion in 2015), the most new renewable capacity (a third mor...
Para combatir su "cultura de consumo desechable", Suecia anunció exenciones tributarias a las reparaciones de vestimenta, bicicletas, heladeras y lavadoras. En bicicletas y vestimenta, el...
To combat its ‘throwaway consumer culture’, Sweden has announced tax breaks on repairs to clothes, bicycles, fridges and washing machines. On bikes and clothes, VAT has been reduced from ...
Money for nothing – it sounds like a utopia, but is now being trialled as government policy around the world. Variations on the idea of a guaranteed basic income are attracting global hea...
Some of the worst-performing schools in America have been turned around by an arts programme mobilising stars like Elton John, Yo Yo Ma and Cameron Diaz to help failing pupils.
Born to parents who worked in fast food restaurants and convenience stores, Brian Gallant made a meteoric ascent to become the youngest regional premier in Canada, taking office at just 3...
‘Pay for success’, ‘social impact bonds’, ‘social investment’ – these terms have started popping up in governments all around the globe. But what do they really mean? And are they going t...
Few public officials can have been as resolute in fighting corruption as Asanga Abeyagoonasekera.
As the UN’s High Representative for Disarmament, Angela Kane had to negotiate with member states from a seemingly impossible position: with no real leverage, and with them paying for her ...