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The Future of Advanced Technology | Yann LeCun on Generative AI

This video is part of: Centro para la Cuarta Revolución Industrial

Meta's Chief AI Scientist lays out how we can expect current Generative AI technology to evolve and how those advances will shape economic activity in the years to come. He explores the potential for AI to enhance creativity, transform industries, and promote collaboration between humans and machines.

The future of generative AI and digital technology

Yann LeCun discusses the rise of generative AI, emphasizing its potential to enhance creativity and benefit various professions. He envisions future generative AI systems that understand the physical world, remember interactions, and reason—capabilities absent in current models.

LeCun highlights opportunities in biomedicine and material science, particularly in drug discovery and efficient hydrogen separation, which could help address climate change. He recommends building in-house generative AI systems to index corporate knowledge for businesses.

He argues that open-source AI is essential for diverse representation and warns against monopolistic control, predicting a future similar to the open-source infrastructure of the internet.

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