William E. Moerner revoluciona el microscopio óptico
En 2014, junto con Eric Betzig y Stefan Hell, recibí el Premio Nobel de Química por algo denominando microscopía de fluorescencia de superresolución. Suena como un trabalenguas, pero perm...
Physical chemist and chemical physicist with current work in the biophysics and imaging of single molecules. Credited with achieving the first optical detection and spectroscopy of a single molecule in condensed phases, a method which has allowed scientists to visualize precise molecular mechanisms inside living cells, opening new windows to how life can be studied. Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2014).
En 2014, junto con Eric Betzig y Stefan Hell, recibí el Premio Nobel de Química por algo denominando microscopía de fluorescencia de superresolución. Suena como un trabalenguas, pero perm...
In 2014, along with Eric Betzig and Stefan Hell, I received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for something called super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. It sounds like a bit of a mouthful,...