AMNC24: What you need to know about China and the world
China is set to make a significant contribution to global economic growth in 2024 and remains central to global cooperation on issues ranging from geopolitics to the climate crisis.
China is set to make a significant contribution to global economic growth in 2024 and remains central to global cooperation on issues ranging from geopolitics to the climate crisis.
Voters across Europe went to polls this month to make their voices heard in the 2024 European Parliament elections.
Organizers of the Olympic Games in Paris are bolstering cybersecurity precautions as experts and law enforcement agencies warn that a surge in cyberattacks is expected ahead of the Games ...
La estabilidad financiera mundial está amenazada por la creciente frecuencia y sofisticación de los ciberataques, según un nuevo informe del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI).
El crecimiento económico mundial puede haber tropezado en los últimos años, pero las perspectivas para la economía global están mejorando.
Economic growth worldwide may have stumbled in recent years, but the outlook for the global economy is improving.
Desde fines de abril circula en Zimbabue una nueva moneda respaldada en oro, el ZiG o Zimbabwe Gold, en un esfuerzo por mitigar la inestabilidad monetaria y la hiperinflación que han asol...
Last month, Zimbabwe rolled out a new gold-backed currency called the ZiG, or Zimbabwe Gold, in an effort to mitigate the currency instability and hyperinflation that has plagued the coun...
Global financial stability is under threat from the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks, according to a new report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The financial crash of 2008 and the business shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic gave the world unwelcome reminders of how painful a classic economic recession can be.
International trade is under extraordinary pressure, experts warn, as crises ranging from continued supply chain disruptions to heightened geopolitical rivalries compound stains on the gl...
Este artículo se publicó por primera vez en octubre de 2022. Se actualizó en abril de 2024.
Líderes mundiales, altos diplomáticos y expertos humanitarios debatieron esta semana sobre la guerra en Gaza e Israel durante una reunión del Foro Económico Mundial celebrada en Arabia Sa...
A medida que el calentamiento global prosigue a ritmos críticos y persisten las disparidades en el acceso a la energía, los expertos dan cada vez más la voz de alarma sobre la necesidad d...