From economic downturn and unemployment to climate change and misinformation, the challenges the world might face in the short and medium-term future are myriad.
Los multiples choques que han asolado el mundo en los últimos años están resultando difíciles de superar. Las guerras y los conflictos, la polarización política, la persistente crisis del...
Cambio climático, cambios demográficos, tecnología y geopolítica. Estas son las "fuerzas estructurales" dinámicas que están minando la estabilidad mundial, según el Informe sobre Riesgos ...
The cascading shocks that have beset the world in recent years are proving intractable. War and conflict, polarized politics, a continuing cost-of-living crisis and the ever-increasing im...
Climate change, demographic changes, technology and geopolitics. These are the changing 'structural forces' that are making the world less stable, according to the World Economic Forum’s ...
Join us for the launch of the Global Risks Report 2024 to hear from world-leading experts about the major risks the world will be facing in the coming years. The Global Risks Report 2024,...
Nos hemos quedado sin palabras para describir lo que está ocurriendo hoy en el mundo, así que en esta edición del Informe sobre Riesgos Globales hemos utilizado una nueva: "policrisis". S...
We’ve run out of words to describe what’s happening in the world today, so this edition of the Global Risks Report has used a new one: “polycrisis”. It’s a situation where different risks...
La década de 2020 ha tenido un comienzo disruptivo.
The 2020s have gotten off to a disruptive start.
Join us for the launch of the Global Risks Report 2023 to hear from world-leading experts about the major risks the world will be facing in the coming years. The Global Risks Report 2023,...