The ozone layer is on the path to recovery: Here's how the world made it happen
This article has been updated.
This article has been updated.
Como fundador de una de las mayores empresas de gestión de inversiones del mundo, Ray Dalio tiene una perspectiva aguda de las fuerzas que configuran la economía mundial.
What do Tom Cruise, Barack Obama, Rishi Sunak and Taylor Swift have in common? The answer is they have all been the subject of deepfake videos posted online.
This article was first published on 9 March 2022. It has been updated on 22 June 2023.
The arrival of generative artificial intelligence (AI) apps like ChatGPT has been nothing short of seismic.
En el año transcurrido desde que el Presidente ruso Vladimir Putin ordenó a sus fuerzas armadas cruzar la frontera con Ucrania, el impacto de la guerra en Europa se ha extendido por todo ...
One of the most vital and trusted resources in the fight against the spread of COVID-19 is being retired, three years after the start of the pandemic.
In the year since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his armed forces across the border into Ukraine, the impact of war in Europe has rippled out around the world.
An amateur archaeologist appears to have rewritten the history of human writing – dating our first scribes to around 10,000 years earlier than first thought.
Whether you live in a city, a rural area or by the ocean, it’s likely you have noticed a decline in biodiversity. Maybe fewer birds visit your urban feeders, larger mammals are less commo...
Han pasado tres años desde que aparecieron los primeros informes sobre la circulación en China de un virus respiratorio desconocido hasta entonces.
It’s now inevitable that we will have to learn to live with the effects of climate change.
It’s now three years since the first reports emerged of a previously unknown respiratory virus circulating in China.