Sigrid Kaag

Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza, United Nations

MPhil in International Relations, Oxford University; Master’s in Middle East Studies, Exeter University. Has gathered a wealth of experience in the political, humanitarian and development affairs during career in Middle East, Geneva and New York. Formerly: with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Shell International; extensive experience on refugee and migration issues, serving with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA); Regional Director, Middle East and North Africa, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Undersecretary-General and Special Coordinator of the United Nations – Office for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (UN-OPCW) Joint Mission to eliminate the declared chemical weapons programme of the Syrian Arab Republic. December 2014, appointed Undersecretary-General and Special Coordinator for Lebanon by the UN Secretary-General. Recipient of awards and honours, including the Carnegie Wateler Peace Prize (November 2016); Honorary degree in Law, Exeter University (2014).

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