The New World Disorder and The Indian Imperative - an extract
This is an extract from Shashi Tharoor and Samir Saran's new book: The New World Disorder and The Indian Imperative. Join our Book Club to discuss.
This is an extract from Shashi Tharoor and Samir Saran's new book: The New World Disorder and The Indian Imperative. Join our Book Club to discuss.
New Delhi – Seventy years ago this month, at midnight on August 15, 1947, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru proclaimed India’s independence from the British Empire. Nehru called it “a momen...
Around the world, newspapers seem to be facing imminent extinction, as a mass exodus to the Internet causes their circulation to slump and their advertising revenue to collapse. But not i...
Los diarios de todo el mundo parecen en riesgo de extinción inminente por la caída de circulación y de ingresos publicitarios debida al éxodo masivo de lectores a Internet. Pero no en la ...