Degree in Business and Economics, University of Turin. Formerly with: Unifarma, Finconsumo, Telecom Italia. 1995-2009, with BP International: 1995-97, Marketing Manager Lubricants, France; 1997-99, Sales Manager LPG, Poland; 1999-2000, Global Supply Manager, UK; 2000-03, Business Manager, Marine, France, Benelux and North Africa; 2003-04, Chief of Staff to Group Vice-President, Business to Business and New Markets; 2004-06, General Manager, Business Development, India; 2006-09, Director, Emerging Consumers Markets, BP Alternative Energy, UK. Since August 2009, current position. Recipient of awards.
En la actualidad, los sectores industriales representan casi el 40% del consumo mundial de energía y más del 30% de las emisiones mundiales de gases de efecto invernadero. Las cinco indus...
Today, industrial sectors account for nearly 40% of global energy consumption and more than 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The five industries of steel, cement, aluminium, ammoni...
This article was first published in The Strait Times
El Índice de Transición Energética (IET) del Foro Económico Mundial ha demostrado que el mundo ha avanzado de forma constante, aunque mesurada, en el camino hacia la transición energética...
The World Economic Forum's Energy Transition Index (ETI) has shown that the world has made steady, albeit measured, progress in its energy transition journey over the past decade. Forward...
All the evidence points in one direction: countries around the world must urgently accelerate their transitions to clean energy. This is critical to stave off the worst effects of climate...
Businesses strive to minimise their carbon footprints, raise productivity and increase societal contributions. Yet sustainable solutions can be costly and may not result in higher yields ...
The second half of the past decade established the initial momentum to transform the energy system for the decades ahead. The scaling of technologies nascent just years earlier and an inc...
In many ways, Brazil is a global leader in the energy transition. Coupled with a strong domestic oil and gas sector that makes up almost 11% of its economy, more than 46% of Brazil’s ener...
Countries representing 70% of the global economy have committed to net-zero emissions targets by 2050 – and major energy ecosystems such as industrial clusters will play a pivotal role in...
Our energy and climate future increasingly hinges on the decisions made in emerging market and developing economies. These areas currently account for around two-thirds of global carbon e...
At the United Nations General Assembly in September this year, President Xi Jinping announced his pledge for China to reach peak emission by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. This goal ...
L'année 2020 devait être un tournant dans la transition énergétique mondiale. Les pays devaient faire le bilan de leurs contributions déterminées au niveau national pour atteindre les obj...