Economistas versus la economía
Seamos honestos: nadie sabe qué está sucediendo en la economía mundial hoy. La recuperación del colapso de 2008 ha sido inesperadamente lenta. ¿Estamos en el sendero hacia una salud plena...
Seamos honestos: nadie sabe qué está sucediendo en la economía mundial hoy. La recuperación del colapso de 2008 ha sido inesperadamente lenta. ¿Estamos en el sendero hacia una salud plena...
Fiscal policy is edging back into fashion, after years, if not decades, in purdah. The reason is simple: the incomplete recovery from the global crash of 2008.
La política fiscal se encumbra nuevamente como la política de moda, después de años, incluso después de décadas, de haber estado aislada tras un velo. La razón para este retorno es simple...
Most people are more worried by government debt than about taxation. “But it’strillions” a friend of mine recently expostulated about the United Kingdom’s national debt. He exaggerated a ...
As a biographer and aficionado of John Maynard Keynes, I am sometimes asked: “What would Keynes think about negative interest rates?”
The European Union has never been very popular in Britain. It joined late, and its voters will be asked on June 23 whether they want to leave early. The referendum’s outcome will not be l...
In 1935, John Maynard Keynes wrote to George Bernard Shaw: “I believe myself to be writing a book on economic theory which will largely revolutionize – not, I suppose, at once but in the ...
Is there a “safe” debt/income ratio for households or debt/GDP ratio for governments? In both cases, the answer is yes. And in both cases, it is impossible to say exactly what that ratio ...