Is there a regional solution to vaccine inequity?
The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent global rollout of vaccines revealed the good, the bad and the ugly of the global community’s ability to come together and respond. The good – the deli...
Chief executive of CEPI
The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent global rollout of vaccines revealed the good, the bad and the ugly of the global community’s ability to come together and respond. The good – the deli...
Over the past fortnight, tens of millions of doses of the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID-19 vaccine have been landing at airports around the world through the multilateral COVAX initiative.
GENÈVE – Chaque jour, la pandémie de la COVID-19 ajoute des milliers de pertes de vies et des milliards de dollars de pertes financières à son triste bilan mondial. La méthode la plus eff...
Cada día la pandemia de la COVID-19 cuesta al mundo miles de vidas y miles de millones de dólares. La forma más eficiente de terminar con esta crisis —tal vez ya en el próximo año— es fab...
Every day, the COVID-19 pandemic costs the world thousands more lives and billions more dollars. The most efficient way to bring this crisis to an end – possibly as early as next year – i...
长期以来,全球化的利弊一直是各国政治家所辩论的热门话题。 全球化真的是推动经济增长,促进新思想新观念传播,改善数十亿人生活的有益之事吗? 或者说全球化的发展侵蚀了社区,同时造成了不平等鸿沟,是件有害之事?
The pros and cons of globalization have long been a favourite topic of debate among the political classes. Is globalization a beneficial force powering economic growth and allowing new id...
Africa is no stranger to the devastation unleashed by outbreaks of infectious disease. The Ebola outbreak that began in 2014 killed over 11,000 people in West Africa and caused an estimat...