We need natural solutions to fight ocean and climate risk
For the first time, environmental concerns are the top five global risks in the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report. The health of the ocean - or lack of it - is everywhere. 2019 w...
Extensive business experience: 1970, founded a mail order record business; founded Virgin Record Store; 1972, opened a recording studio; 1973, founded the Virgin record label; 1983, formed Virgin Vision; 1984, launched Virgin Atlantic Airways. Has flown the Pacific and the Atlantic in a hot air balloon and once gave an address in a rabbit suit.
For the first time, environmental concerns are the top five global risks in the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report. The health of the ocean - or lack of it - is everywhere. 2019 w...
Alors que s’ouvriront lundi 25 mars, aux Nations unies, des négociations sur la biodiversité de la haute mer, Richard Branson et Albert II de Monaco appellent dans une tribune au « Monde ...
A pesar del impresionante desarrollo económico de los últimos años, África sigue muy rezagada en materia de energía: casi dos de cada tres ciudadanos del continente carecen de acceso a la...
Despite impressive economic development in recent years, Africa still lags far behind on energy, with almost two-thirds of the continent’s citizens lacking access to electricity. While ge...
Spending a cold but invigorating few days in Davos at the World Economic Forum, filled with fascinating meetings and chance encounters, plus enough hot tea to fuel a battalion.