Philippe Isler

Director, Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation; Executive Committee Member, World Economic Forum

Director for the Global Alliance For Trade Facilitation and is based at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland. The Global Alliance aims at incubating and delivering trade facilitation projects from the bottom up by leveraging on funding and expertise from both donor countries and private sector companies working jointly. Has been leading trade facilitation initiatives for the past 15 years in many parts of the world. In particular, developed and deployed solutions aimed at digitizing the supply chain processes in a number of developing countries through public-private partnership mechanisms. Also spent 10 years developing traceability solutions aimed at tracking consignments transiting through countries with harsh environments. Formerly Vice-President at SGS Group leading government and institutions business development for trade community systems, e-government, telecom monitoring and port/customs operations. BSc in Aerospace Engineering, Bristol University.

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