Pedro Sánchez

Prime Minister of Spain, Office of the Prime Minister of Spain

2004-09, City Councillor for Madrid; former Member of the Spanish Congress of Deputies for Madrid. Spanish politician. Since 2014, Secretary-General of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE); currently, Prime Minister of Spain; won with 49% of the vote, representing a platform based on political regeneration; a constitutional reform establishing federalism as the form of administrative organization of Spain in order to ensure Catalonia remains part of the country; a new, progressive, fiscal policy; extending welfare rights to all citizens; joining labour unions again to strengthen economic recovery; and regaining the confidence of former Socialist voters disenchanted by the measures taken by the previous Prime Minister of Spain amid an economic crisis. Also opposes the grand coalition model supported by the former Socialist Prime Minister, who championed the German system in case of political instability. Asked European party caucus not to vote for the consensual candidate of the European People's Party. Professor of Economics, Camilo José Cela University.

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