4 ways that yoga could improve your quality of life
Across the globe, millions have lost their lives to COVID-19. The pandemic has also led to severe mental distress as populations around the world grapple with lockdowns, curfews, social d...
Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine. Leading physician focusing on health innovation, precision medicine and digital technologies. Highly cited researcher in areas of brain and mental health. Member of corporate and non-profit boards.
Across the globe, millions have lost their lives to COVID-19. The pandemic has also led to severe mental distress as populations around the world grapple with lockdowns, curfews, social d...
Vous sentez-vous déprimé ou anxieux ? Il y a une application pour ça. À l'échelle mondiale, on recense plus de 400 millions de téléchargements annuels d'applications de santé mobiles, ce ...
¿Te sientes deprimido o ansioso? Hay una aplicación para abordarlo. A nivel mundial, hay más de 400 millones de descargas anuales de aplicaciones móviles de salud, lo que sugiere que los ...
Are you feeling depressed or anxious? There’s an app for that. Globally, there are more than 400 million annual downloads of mobile health apps, which suggests that consumers are eagerly ...
It’s 2030. Ajay lives in India. In his teens he experienced an episode of depression, so, as a new undergraduate, he was keen to sign up for a mental healthcare service when offered. Ajay...
No two human brains are identical – each one of the 7.5 billion humans on earth has a unique pattern of neural wiring and encoding that provides a personalized view of the world, odd quir...
Chances are you know someone with depression; it affects some 300 million people around the world and suicide is the second-leading cause of death among teens in many Western and Asian na...
India is currently home to a population of over one billion citizens. A study conducted by the Word Health Organization in 2015 shows that one in five Indians may suffer from depression i...
"I don’t want to live no more :( :( :(". These were the final words posted by a 14-year-old from Miami, a year before she launched a Facebook live stream and hung herself in front of her ...
¿Cómo medimos el bienestar de una población en tiempo real? Tradicionalmente, lo hemos hecho con una combinación de indicadores económicos clave, desde el PIB hasta los índices de confian...
Comment quantifier le bien-être d'une population en temps réel ? Traditionnellement, nous l'avons fait avec un mélange d'indicateurs économiques clés, mêlant le PIB aux indices de confian...
How do we quantify the well-being of a population in real time? Traditionally, we've done so with a mixture of key economic indicators, from GDP to consumer confidence indices.
A pesar de todo el despliegue publicitario, la inteligencia artificial (IA) no está lista para reemplazar a los médicos o automatizar la cirugía cerebral. Pero puede analizar cantidades i...
A pesar de todo el despliegue publicitario, la inteligencia artificial (IA) no está lista para reemplazar a los médicos o automatizar la cirugía cerebral. Pero puede analizar cantidades i...
Despite all the hype, artificial intelligence (AI) is not ready to replace doctors or automate brain surgery. But it can analyse immense amounts of data to help us better study, diagnose,...