Muqsit Ashraf

Group Chief Executive - Accenture Strategy, Accenture

Muqsit Ashraf leads Accenture Strategy, overseeing a multibillion-dollar business unit across more than 40 industries in over 120 countries that helps clients tap new market opportunities, apply innovative technologies, and execute large-scale restructuring and transformation. He also is a member of Accenture’s Global Management Committee.

Prior to this role, Muqsit led Accenture’s global Energy industry practice. He has more than 20 years’ experience across the energy value chain, advising and partnering with global energy leaders at most of the large international and national oil companies, oil field and energy service companies, and independents, helping them redefine business strategy, lead large scale transformation programs, and drive innovation.

Muqsit leads Accenture’s Global Energy Board of more than 40 global CEOs/CXOs and has sponsored Accenture's relationships in Energy and Resources with the World Economic Forum, the World Energy Council, and the World Petroleum Congress.

Muqsit has a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, and a Master's in Business Administration from Yale University.

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