This what climate change might do to tree growth
There is no crystal ball to tell ecologists how forests of the future will respond to the changing climate, but researchers may have created the next best thing.
There is no crystal ball to tell ecologists how forests of the future will respond to the changing climate, but researchers may have created the next best thing.
While dry events in California are not getting drier, extreme wet weather events have steadily increased in magnitude since the middle of the last century.
A new map of extreme snowmelt events over the last 30 years clarifies the processes that drive rapid melting.
More record-breaking temperatures will occur in the tropics, where there is a large and rapidly growing population, a new study shows.
Aunque las investigaciones han demostrado que las máscaras son eficaces para reducir la propagación de COVID-19, no todas las máscaras o los materiales de las máscaras son igualmente efic...
While research has shown masks are effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19, not all masks or mask materials are equally effective, according to new research.