Martina Larkin

BSc in Finance and MBA; 2011, Yale World Fellowship, Yale University. Formerly: Marketing and Sales, Nestlé Switzerland; Associate Vice-President, Lazar & Company, a New York-based investment bank. With the World Economic Forum: headed the Forum's Global Knowledge Networks, a global think tank which includes the Network of Global Agenda Councils, a brain trust of over 1,600 global experts across multi-disciplinary fields and the world's foremost universities, think tanks and other research-based organizations; former Editor, Outlook on the Global Agenda, author of several reports and articles; Director of the Foundation Forum of Young Global Leaders; currently, Head of Europe and Eurasia and Member of the Executive Committee. Member of the Board of Circulo de Empresarios, the IDEA Foundation, Digital Switzerland, WIPO’s Inventor Assistance Programme and a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations.

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