Why we need to globalize locally-led climate resilience
People around the world are coming up with locally-tailored ways to help communities adapt to the impacts of climate change and thrive in spite of worsening droughts, floods, diseases, he...
People around the world are coming up with locally-tailored ways to help communities adapt to the impacts of climate change and thrive in spite of worsening droughts, floods, diseases, he...
On December 19, 2018, the United Nations General Assembly voted to adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, with 152 votes in favor, five votes against, and 12 ab...
Où que vos voyages vous mènent dans le monde, vous verrez des femmes en action dans tous les secteurs de l’économie et de la société, que ce soit dans l’agriculture, la santé, le commerce...
Aujourd'hui, seul 30 % de la population mondiale détient un titre de propriété foncière officiel. Les pauvres et les personnes politiquement marginalisées sont souvent les plus affectés p...
The annual funding gap for the Sustainable Development Goals is many trillions of dollars. The only way to close that gap is with the help of the private sector – in particular, by impell...
En septiembre de 2015, los gobiernos de 193 países se plantearon una serie de Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) con plazo en 2030, que forman el plan de promoción del desarrollo hu...
In September 2015, the leaders of 193 countries agreed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – the most ambitious plan ever to promote human development – by 2030. Nearly tw...
In recent decades, millions of people in the Arab world have been lifted out of extreme poverty. But progress is now at risk of slowing, or even reversing, owing to a vicious circle of ec...
En las últimas décadas, millones de personas en el mundo árabe han sido sacadas de la extrema pobreza. Pero el progreso hoy corre el riesgo de desacelerarse, o inclusive de revertirse, de...
Lograr los ambiciosos Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) – que incluyen acabar con la pobreza, mejorar la salud mundial, garantizar la educación universal y mitigar el cambio climát...
Cada año, 1,25 millones de personas pierden la vida en accidentes de tránsito y el 90 % de ellas pertenece a países de ingreso bajo. La contaminación ambiental es responsable de unas 6,5 ...
Alcanzar los ambiciosos Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (que buscan poner fin a la pobreza, impulsar la prosperidad compartida y promover la sostenibilidad, de aquí a 2030) demandará s...
Achieving the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals – which aim to end poverty, boost shared prosperity, and promote sustainability, between now and 2030 – will require overcoming some ...
Roughly one-third of those suffering from extreme poverty worldwide live in member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). In 21 of those 57 countries, fewer than half of...