Experienced bi-lingual international energy leader with decades of commercial experience gained in FTSE 100 and Blue-chip organisations. Has a proven track record in complex industrial companies and sectors acquired across the complete value chain. Combines entrepreneurial spirit with the ability to quickly drive change seamlessly within high-pressure, rapidly changing business environments. Passionate and committed to sustainability, diverse and inclusive leadership to formulate robust strategies and improve organisational governance.
The energy transition will only be possible if providers deliver for their customers and civil society, both of which must be carried along to deliver a just and customer-centric energy s...
La Cumbre del G7 celebrada este año en Hiroshima (Japón) se centró predominantemente en los retos geopolíticos y también se hizo hincapié en la urgencia del cambio climático. La Declaraci...
This year’s G7 Summit in Hiroshima, Japan, focused predominantly on geopolitical challenges and a strong sense of urgency about climate change was also stressed. The Foreign Ministers’ St...