Colaboración para la mayor reserva de bosque tropical del mundo
La República Democrática del Congo (RDC) es excepcionalmente rica en recursos naturales y figura entre los 10 países megadiversos del mundo.
Klaus Schwab holds a Doctorate in Engineering and a Doctorate in Economics and Social Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute Zurich and the University of Fribourg and an MPA from Harvard University. Formerly managed the restructuring of a leading Swiss machine building group and was Professor of Business Policy in Geneva until 2003. Author of Modern Management (1970), conceptualizing stakeholder capitalism, and The Fourth Industrial Revolution (2017). 1971, created and became the Chairman of the World Economic Forum, to build a platform where business leaders can meet, interact and collaborate with stakeholders from government and society. Built it from a simple idea into an international organization and a leading global platform for public-private cooperation. Has held multiple board memberships and international advisory positions. Together with his wife Hilde, created the Schwab Foundation in 1998 to promote social entrepreneurship and innovation. Recipient of international awards, national distinctions, honorary professorships and doctorates for thought leadership and for the Forum’s achievements in enhancing global cooperation and several political reconciliation efforts. Has 2 children and 2 grandchildren. Hobbies include sports and culture.
La República Democrática del Congo (RDC) es excepcionalmente rica en recursos naturales y figura entre los 10 países megadiversos del mundo.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is exceptionally rich in natural resources. It is one of the world’s 10 mega-biodiverse countries.
The 21st century is, so far, being defined by its dramatic leap in intelligent technologies – a leap that has brought humanity into an era I call the Intelligent Age, in which large segme...
When I engage with today’s young generation, I often pose a fundamental question: Do you believe that you, and future generations, will feel better off, or worse, in the years ahead? It i...
Over 30 years ago, when we met first Quincy Jones, we were deeply moved by his remarkable blend of professional excellence and a profound commitment to humanity. Renowned globally for his...
Hace casi una década, en 2016, acuñé el término Cuarta Revolución Industrial. Podía ver un mundo en el que la fusión de nuestras realidades física, digital y biológica transformaría las i...
A medida que la Cuarta Revolución Industrial abre el camino para una mayor integración tecnológica, nos encontramos al borde de la Era Inteligente, una era definida por la integración de ...
As the Fourth Industrial Revolution paves the way for greater technological integration, we stand on the brink of the Intelligent Age, an era defined by blending artificial intelligence (...
Almost a decade ago, in 2016, I coined the term the Fourth Industrial Revolution. I could see a world where the fusion of our physical, digital and biological realities would transform in...
Our world is undergoing a profound transformation with far-reaching consequences for our economic, social and environmental systems. This new era, being called by many as the Intelligent ...