3 ways coronavirus will test global solidarity
If the COVID-19 crisis has taught us one thing, it is that the relentless focus on hyper-efficiency and short-term gains of recent decades has given rise to a highly fragile global system...
Kemal Derviş, former Minister of Economic Affairs of Turkey and former Administrator for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), is a vice president of the Brookings Institution.
If the COVID-19 crisis has taught us one thing, it is that the relentless focus on hyper-efficiency and short-term gains of recent decades has given rise to a highly fragile global system...
Carbon border tax could help the world move more efficiently toward sustainability. But if such taxes are to be part of a consensual multilateral approach, rather than a new source of con...
The success of Western-style democracy after World War II was based on national social contracts: citizens paid taxes, and the state provided the conditions for steady economic progress, ...
In today’s deeply interconnected world, we need rules and institutions to govern markets and economic activity more than ever. Yet multilateralism is under increasing strain, and the lack...
A year ago, Emmanuel Macron’s decisive victory in the French presidential election, and his party’s subsequent success in legislative elections, caused many to breathe a sigh of relief. T...
In 2016, Northwestern University’s Robert Gordon published his 700-plus-page magnum opus, The Rise and Fall of American Growth. Two years on, with not just the United States, but the enti...
The world is now facing what observers are calling a “synchronized” growth upswing. What does this mean for the economic “convergence” of developed and developing countries, a topic that ...
El mundo hoy enfrenta lo que los observadores llaman un repunte del crecimiento "sincronizado". ¿Qué significa esto para la "convergencia" económica de los países desarrollados y en desar...
Washington, DC – As 2018 begins, things are looking up for the global economy. Over the last six months, growth projections by official institutions like the International Monetary Fund, ...
En este comienzo del 2018, las cosas están mejorando para la economía global. En los últimos seis meses, las proyecciones de crecimiento de instituciones oficiales como el Fondo Monetario...
WASHINGTON, DC – A l’entame de 2018, les choses semblent s’être améliorées sur le plan économique. Au cours des six derniers mois, les prévisions de croissance de l’économie mondiale publ...
La croissance économique s’accélère dans la majeure partie du monde. Pourtant, le ratio de la dette brute totale sur le PIB au niveau mondial a atteint près de 250%, contre 210% avant la ...
Washington, DC – Economic growth is accelerating across most of the world. Yet the world’s total gross debt-to-GDP ratio has reached nearly 250%, up from 210% before the global economic c...
Según Dani Rodrik, economista de Harvard, es imposible tener de manera simultánea y plena soberanía nacional, democracia y globalización. El concepto de “trilema político de la economía m...
Después de un año tumultuoso, la política parece estabilizarse en toda Europa. Aunque la extrema derecha Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) ganó casi el 13% de los votos en las recientes e...