This International Day of Persons with Disabilities represents a watershed moment for the business world.
Una de cada seis personas -el 16% de la población mundial o 1300 millones de personas- vive con discapacidad, pero su representación en la mayoría de las empresas está muy por debajo de e...
One in six (16%) of the global population lives with a disability – some 1.3 billion people – yet the workforce representation of disabled individuals in most companies falls significantl...
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, celebrated annually on 3 December, is a beacon for raising awareness and fostering acceptance of persons with disabilities. The World H...
《美国残疾人法案》(Americans with Disabilities Act)于1990年7月26日通过,规定禁止歧视残疾人。继这项立法之后,波士顿于1990年7月举办了首个“残疾人骄傲日”活动,“残疾人骄傲月”也由此诞生,在此后的每年7月都会举行庆祝活动。
The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed on July 26, 1990, to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. Following this legislation, Boston held the first Disability ...