These LGBTQI Davos leaders shared their advice on coming out
When Filipino model Geena Rocero came out as transgender, she knew she had to “go big or go home”. So she chose the biggest forum she could find to tell the world - a TED talk.
When Filipino model Geena Rocero came out as transgender, she knew she had to “go big or go home”. So she chose the biggest forum she could find to tell the world - a TED talk.
People in South Asia are the most trusting of climate science, according to a new survey.
Cet article fait partie de la Réunion Annuelle du Forum Économique Mondial
"Los gobiernos de todo el mundo pueden y deben construir una economía humana que sea feminista y que beneficie al 99%, no solo al 1%".
“Governments around the world can, and must, build a human economy that is feminist and benefits the 99%, not only the 1%.”
In bustling downtown Minneapolis, there’s a modern seven-story office building. Nothing remarkable about that, you might think – except that it’s made almost entirely of wood.
In the summer of 2017, brothers Gary and Sam Bencheghib rowed down Indonesia’s most polluted river, the Citarum, on two kayaks made from plastic bottles.
A growing consumer appetite for convenience – getting anything you want delivered to your front door by tomorrow in just one click – is taking its toll on the environment.
Imagine you’re in a tech store, shopping for a new laptop. Value for money is on your wish-list, but so is low environmental impact.
It is best known as the land of oil, but in 2018, the equivalent of more than 7 million homes in Texas were powered by wind.
When Maya Ghazal was a schoolgirl growing up in Damascus, she dreamed of being a diplomat. The civil war in Syria changed everything, but a new life in the UK has given her a new dream: b...
Damming a river with concrete restricts its flow, but it doesn’t stop the salmon that live in it trying to swim back upstream.
如果说2019年是格里塔·滕伯格(Greta Thunberg)和环境科学家将气候变化那令人不安的事实直接提上议程的一年,那么1962年就是气候小说进入人们视野的一年。
People on the Pacific archipelago of Palau firmly believe in the old saying, "We do not inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children."